Thursday 30 May 2019

Hillview House

60'smusicluvr, this is your main gift - and here's some pictures.
Hill View House
Charles wasn’t sure whether Ingrid would want to rip the whole kitchen out and start again, but actually she really liked its period detail. Not to mention how much space there was in it! And although the stove looked a bit antiquated, Ingrid assured Charles that it cooked things beautifully. Lydia and Philippa agreed with that, once they’d tasted the first batch of cookies that came out of it. There was actually a dining room too – mostly furnished with the stuff the Petersens hadn’t been taking with them. And a piano. Lydia was ecstatic – she’d always wanted to learn how to play the piano. Charles’ particular favourite thing about the house was the ornate fireplace in the sitting room. They had the settee and chairs recovered, but the upholsterer assured them that the springs and frame were in excellent order.
“They don’t make them like this any more,” he said. Their old pieces of furniture looked funny in bigger rooms, Lydia thought. That had been a big piece of furniture in the flat – here it barely took up any space at all. “You’ve got the bigger bedroom, Pippa,” Ingrid had said. “So when we have friends to stay, it’ll be you who has to move out and sleep in Lydia’s room, okay?”
That was fine by Philippa. With this much space, she’d put up with having to sleep on a floor occasionally. I wonder if I could get a pull-up bar in here? she thought. Lydia loved her room too. Minus sports gear and plus unicorns – what was there not to like? And it was pretty. And peaceful. And had a bookcase just for her books. The view was so much better here! And the bedroom was so much bigger too. And more private – in the flat, the children’s bedroom had opened off their room. Which had been okay when they were very little…Ingrid could feel the spark coming back between her and Charles. Well, maybe not coming back: they’d not really lost it. Just not quite so buried. Charles liked the little tower corner to the room, the settee there and the fact that none of the books in the bookcase were medical ones! Finally, they had a space for themselves that was separate from his work. “What’s this?” Lydia had asked when they first arrived, sitting on the highbacked chair and swinging her legs.
“It’s a hall porter’s chair. And the tall back and sides were to keep off the draughts. The hall porter sat there and opened the door to people, carried their luggage upstairs and so on.”
“Oh, right. This hall alone is nearly as big as out flat, I think.” And finally, Charles had a study of his own – somewhere he could keep all his books together, somewhere that was a really pleasant place to work as well. Though Lydia rather liked it too – she did enjoy plants and growing things. But the real highlights for Lydia and Philippa were the outside presents the grandparents had clubbed together to get the – for Lydia, her very own castle, up in a tree. And for Philippa, her own football goal. No more having to be taken to the park if she wanted to practise! What more could she ask for!

60smusiclover, I hope you like this! There’s a bit more left for you to discover for yourself.
There’s no cc, but I have used MOO quite a lot.

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