Chapter 7
This is Ciane’s renovacy.
The link to the story and the download is here:
All I want is a nice quiet life with my dear little pussums. They’re so sweet and fluffy-wuffy. Mamma’s little snooglums, that’s what they are. I just don’t understand people who don’t like them. I mean, they all have their own little ways, but don’t we all?
And I know they love me really. It’s all in the way they rub round my ankles, and I say, “Don’t worry, my little darlings. Mamma will fill your little dishy-wishies up for you.”
That’s Mothball, waiting to jump up onto my lap. He likes to watch television with me.
And that’s dear little Muffin scratching at the carpet. He can be a bit naughty at times, but I’m sure if I keep loving my little pussumkin, he’ll be a good boy for me. I never scold them, poor little things.
And this is my home. It’s been in the family for ages. My great-great whatever grandmother came here for her health and fell in love with a handsome young man – and he with her. So he built her a house like the one she’d come from. It’s the only one like it in town and I’m so proud of it.
Some nosy person from the Mayor’s office came and asked me if I’d like to sell it, but I said no. I mean, I suppose I could build another house – I do own other land – but it wouldn’t be this one. He said they’d offer me a fair price for it and the land round it, but I said no again. After all, there’s that nice young man living in my little wood and I couldn’t turn him out, could I? So we’ll just stay here – and after Christmas, and once the winter is over, I’ll talk to my lawyer about changing my will and leaving the house and lands to my dear, dear pussumkins.
I can’t believe it! I went to see the lawyer the other month about making a new will. At the moment, everything goes to my old boarding school, because I was very happy there, but I do want my pussumkins to be provided for.
Anyway, that nice young man from the solicitors’ office came and I thought he was coming to tell me how to change my will. And instead he says…he says…oh dear, this is so hard to take in…that this has been declared a health hazard! Infested! I have to move out. It’s not fit for human habitation. My lovely family home. He say “alternative accommodation” will be arranged for me. By the kindness of the Mayor, seeing as I’m such a long-standing resident.
But this is my home! My books and my darling little fluffy-wuffy cats. What will we do? And what will my new home be like? This one has such lovely views – that’s why my ancestor built it here. And built it very soundly too.
Well, it’s a bit of a funny building, and it looks like they haven’t quite finished painting it yet. But me and my darling little kitties can probably be happy here, perhaps. And look, that nice young guitar man has turned up to welcome us all! I had wondered where he’d gone. He does so love my little darlings – and he made them that lovely castle.
“How did you know I was coming here? How nice of you to turn up to welcome me!”
He seems a bit taken aback.
“Actually, Miss Gatti, I didn’t know you were coming here. But you’re not moving in, surely?”
“Oh yes, Sadly, my house has been declared…” I drop my voice to a whisper. “Infested. This young man came round from the solicitors’ office and…” I told him all about it.
“Is that my kitchen?” I want to look around, and see how my kitties would like it here. They were out of their travel cages and looking everywhere.
“How nice of them to send a maid to clean it up ready for me. It reminds me of when I was young – we had a maid, then, a cook, the chauffeur of course…”
I’m enjoying myself talking to him. I don’t think he needs to interrupt me quite so rudely. Especially as we’re on my land, in front of my house.
“No. This is your home." And he opens the doors to what I had assumed was the garage.
“My home is above yours. And Miss Grey lives next door.”
I go a bit closer. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. That nice young man from the solicitors’ office – he hadn’t said this was what it would be like! How are my dear little kittie-catties going to cope in such a small house? What are we all going to do?
Oh my! I wonder if Miss Gatti got cheated out of her home and plots of land or is the poor dear a bit befuddled. Looking forward to learning more.