Chapter 7
A renovacy made by Jessabeans as a gift to SamelaRita for the Sims 3Amayzing gift exchange.
Link to the renovacy here:
And a link to the renovacy rules in case anyone else wants to play it!
Another ugly gnome has appeared. I think they look as though they are plotting something together. Strength and hope would both like to know who keeps dumping ugly gnomes in their garden. They would like to have a quiet word with that person.
I am changing again. There are two bathrooms upstairs. They joy child said she would go on working to help improve the bathroom, but strength and hope had secret plans for her. They wanted to give her a bathroom of her own. Three of them trying to share one bathroom in the morning meant that she was sometimes nearly late.
And the last of the holes in my floor have been healed. I am becoming more whole with each year that passes.
The kitchen is warm and cheerful and full of good smells from hope’s jam making and cooking. Soon the joy child will learn how to do this – but that big pan is heavy. The fruit they have grown goes into the jam.
There are jars of jam everywhere. How can I concentrate on my homework, the wanted child says. I’m being walled in by jam. Can I eat some of it?
The daybreak child says no. She is finishing a painting first, before she does her homework.
The wanted child thinks that she should do her homework first and says so.
Where would I sit? she asks. More jars of jam have arrived on the table.
That’s very good, says strength, looking at the painting. The daybreak child id wrestling with her homework now, while the wanted child has fun.
There is an art sale on for the next few weeks at the consignment store, strength continues. Would you like to see if this will sell, or do you want to keep it? You can have the money from it.
The daybreak child thinks hard. It’s not my favourite painting ever, but I do think it’s a good one. Yes, I think I’d like to see if I can sell it. Can we go on Saturday?
We’ll go tomorrow after school, and then it will be ready for the customers on Saturday, says strength.
Next day, the daybreak child describes her visit so well that I can imagine it myself. She is very excited.
There was lots of stuff there on shelves and things, she begins…
I think I might have found out where those ugly gnomes breed.
There were loads of pictures, and some of them were much better than mine, but some of them weren’t.
And so the guy in charge moved some paintings around and hung mine up, and he said he’ll let us know if it sells. I hope it will! That would be so exciting!
They are all proud of her. I would like her to paint me – although I don’t look very smart from the outside.
The wanted child comes home and shows off his new badge that he gained today.
They still all need to do their homework though. The dog watches them. He thinks he is helping. I am not so sure. I wonder if the daybreak child will manage to sell her painting?
I've been waiting oh so patiently for another chapter. Thank you!