Wednesday, 30 October 2019

The Old Mill Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A renovacy made by Jessabeans as a gift to SamelaRita for the Sims 3Amayzing gift exchange.
Link to the renovacy here:
And a link to the renovacy rules in case anyone else wants to play it! The wanted child thinks that his sister’s homework looks hard. It’s alright, the joy child says. When you’re older, it won’t be too hard for you. They are kind to him. I like that. You know I said I wished the daybreak child would paint me? Well, she is painting me. That first painting did sell, and she went on painting more. She is older now, and the wanted child comes home on his own. See that shirt she’s wearing? That used to belong to strength. Now it is old and faded and so she wears it. I don’t think I look exactly like this, but that is the daybreak child’s painting style. She says it is because I am a watermill and so I should look as if I am reflected in water. Or hazy with summer heat. Today is the day lots of things are going to change. Or at least, today is the beginning. They have been saving up for ages now and the stairs are going to be moved. Going to be replaced, because the wood is getting old. Strength is telling the daybreak child and the wanted child how they can help. Hope wants to know where the joy child found those clothes. In the rag bag, she says. And I hope you’re not going to move furniture and decorate in those good clothes of yours. She sounds just like hope talking to the daybreak child before she starts a painting and hope laughs. There is a big hole inside me. This feels very odd now. I am used to being whole. And down here everything is bare. Moving the jars of jam took a long time. Now I wait while they work on me. I hardly recognise myself! The dining table is in the new and bigger kitchen because it is warmer there. The children and their friends still use it for doing their homework. The sitting room is a smaller room now instead of one huge space. It is cosier and warmer. There are new places to sit that are more comfortable. My picture is still on the wall, I am pleased to see. And my fireplace is clean. Another ugly gnome has appeared. This one looks like a dog. The other ugly gnomes seem to be welcoming it. This is very worrying. It is summer now and school holiday time. The wanted child is fishing by my wheel. In the autumn he will change schools and be with his sisters again. The joy child had gone into the sixth form – whatever that means – and only has two more years at school. Then she will be grown up. I have watched over her nearly all the way. In the kitchen, both the girls are busy. The joy child makes jam now. She lifts the heavy pan high. They have grown a lot of fruit in the garden. The daybreak child is making biscuits. The kitchen is busy now, with four people all able to cook, bake, make jam…Good smells waft around inside me. The garden is green and lush, and hope and strength work in it, early in the morning before it is too hot. The cookies look good. Jars of jam are appearing everywhere again. These are very nice, hope says to the daybreak child. They have all worked hard this morning!
I caught four fish, the wanted child says proudly.
And I made twenty-one jars of jam. Those new shelves in the larder are filling up fast, the joy child adds.
I think we should all go to the summer fair this afternoon, says strength. We’ve all earned a break and some fun. Patches can stay home though. They take a picture while they are out and hang it on the kitchen wall when they come back. It makes me feel like I was there with them. They move the one that they took ages ago as well and hang that one in the kitchen too. The children have changed a lot. Strength wasn’t there that time – he was making a surprise for hope to come home to. He was making their bedroom so much nicer for her. School starts again today and the daybreak child is not living up to her name. She is fast asleep! The dog is worried and comes upstairs to tell her she needs to wake up. Hope says she wants to take a photo of them all before they leave for school. The wanted child is a bit worried about this new school. The joy child has new clothes! They are growing up fast. Hope and strength are proud of them and so am I.

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