Friday, 5 June 2020

The Brunelli family

The Brunelli Family. This is me, Max. A rather handsome German Shepherd, even if I do say so myself. Here I am, outside my front door. You’d like a view of the whole house? Okay. And here is the house from another angle, that includes my own personal me-only house as well. This is my person, Carlo. And this was our peaceful, idyllic existence. He went to work sometimes, tried to learn to play the drums or bass sometimes, took me for walks sometimes…and then it all changed. “It’s like this, Max.” And then he told me a very long and complicated story about his family history, but he went on stroking me while he told it, so I went on looking at him. I’ll summarise it for you. You don’t want the full version!
Older brother Carlo. Much younger brother Luca. Mother dies and father remarries. Luca goes with them – Carlo already left home. New wife has small child of own, Marco – Luca thinks of him as a brother, Carlo hardly knows him.
Father dies, and so does his wife. Lots of debts, apparently, so no money left.
Okay, so what next? Carlo stopped talking. And he stopped stroking me! And he smelled worried.
“They’ve got no money and nowhere to live, Max. They’re coming here.” I still didn’t really understand all of what he meant. But I soon found out. Those people invaded our peaceful home! And they eat more than I do. Let me introduce you to them… This is Carlo’s younger brother, Luca. He thinks he’s going to be an artist. He certainly dresses the part. Not sure how good he is though. Don’t ask me how his paintings look – we dogs see things differently to the way you humans do. He doesn’t notice much about what’s going on around him! I’d never get away with jumping up onto Carlo’s bed. There could be some advantages here… Yes, technically, this is a human being. Boy, male, and smellier than I’d like. Us dogs have very sensitive noses. And I don’t know why his clothes are full of holes. I know Carlo said they had no money, but still! However, it’s fun hearing him yelp when I put my cold wet nose against his leg. Don’t ask. Just don’t ask. If I could drown that thing, I would. We have sensitive ears, us dogs, and the noises that come out of that thing are painful in the extreme.
The biggest problem though? Well, my human doesn’t earn a lot, but it’s enough to feed the two of us. I don’t think it’ll feed these two as well though. And they haven’t quite grasped that money doesn’t just fall down out of the sky…


  1. Oh my! Carlo and Max have their hands full! Hopefully Luca and Marco march to the same beat and will help make ends meet.

  2. I loved reading their story! Can't wait to try them out in game! Thank you again so very much for you lovely gifts!
